As a personal injury attorney, having solid, objective evidence is key to the success of your case. Dynamic Motion X-ray and DynaROM studies provide exactly that — definitive, visual proof of injury that supports your client’s claims and can eliminate the uncertainty that often arises in injury cases.
The pain a client feels after a whiplash injury is caused by torn ligaments and uncontrollable muscle spasms (Guarding). Once torn, ligaments will never return to full function, and some degree of muscle guarding will become permanent. DMX and DynaROM demonstrate the damage and Whole Body Permanent Impairment Rating.
DMX provides clear, objective evidence of spinal instability and permanent impairment, while DynaROM quantifies the injury’s impact on a range of motion, muscles, and daily activities. Together, they strengthen the case for a maximum injury award by demonstrating the long-term, life-altering consequences of the injury
DMX and DynaROM provide definitive evidence of ligament damage, instability, and muscle guarding, which should prompt third parties to increase the reserve amount on your client’s case. This helps secure a higher settlement offer and strengthens the case for a maximum injury award.
DMX and DynaROM provide clear, objective evidence of ligament damage, instability, and functional limitations, which helps prevent arguments of over-treatment by justifying the necessity of ongoing care.
DMX and DynaROM provide clear, objective evidence of the severity of the injury, a counter to the claim of exaggeration, increasing the likelihood of a fair settlement based on factual data.
DMX and DynaROM work together to reveal the true extent and significance of soft tissue injuries, showing ligament damage, instability, and muscle guarding to overcome defense arguments that downplay the seriousness of injuries.
DMX and DynaROM provide indisputable, measurable evidence of injury that counters the defense’s argument of ‘no objective findings,’ making it easier to prove the injury is legitimate and significant.
X-rays and MRIs often fail to detect ligamentous damage or functional instability, even in cases of severe trauma. When these traditional imaging methods return negative results, it becomes harder to negotiate a fair settlement.
DMX and DynaROM provide objective evidence of the injury, helping to eliminate claims of exaggeration. It proves the legitimacy of ongoing complaints and functional limitations.
DMX and DynaROM provide definitive evidence of permanent injury, showing ligament damage, instability, and muscle guarding, which are ratable as permanent by the AMA Guides, support the need for long-term treatment, and refutes the claim of temporary injury
DMX and DynaROM provide undeniable evidence of ongoing injury and functional limitations, making a compelling case for continued palliative care.
Dynamic Motion X-ray (DMX) and DynaROM technologies are powerful tools for personal injury attorneys, providing clear, objective, and irrefutable evidence that can significantly increase the likelihood of securing a maximum injury award during settlement. By documenting ligament damage, spinal instability, and muscle guarding, DMX andDynaROM studies address many of the common challenges in personal injury litigation, including exaggeration claims, misdiagnosis, and disputes over the severity of the injury. Whether proving the severity of the injury, justifying the need for ongoing care, or showing how the injury impacts the client’s daily life, DMX and DynaROM are crucial assets in securing the compensation your clients deserve—often leading to a more favorable settlement without the need for trial.
DMX provides clear, objective evidence of spinal instability, ligament damage, and permanent impairment, which are crucial components in securing a maximum injury award. By also showing that the injury results in ongoing, permanent pain during daily activities (duties under duress) and diminished ability to participate in activities they previously enjoyed (loss of enjoyment of life), DMX strengthens the argument that the injury has long-term, life-altering consequences. This comprehensive proof, backed by real, measurable data, helps attorneys demonstrate the true extent of the damage and supports the case for a maximum award settlement.
DynaROM enhances this by providing quantifiable data on the loss of range of motion and functional limitations caused by the injury. By measuring the degree of motion restriction and the impact on daily life, DynaROM adds another layer of objective proof to the argument, showing that the injury goes beyond pain and affects the person’s ability to function normally. It can provide further documentation of the patient’s physical limitations, reinforcing the permanent nature of the impairment and the ongoing impact it has on their quality of life.
When dealing with soft tissue injuries, defense teams often argue that ongoing treatment or palliative care is unnecessary. They might assert that the patient has recovered or that the pain isn’t severe enough to warrant long-term care. DMX and DynaROM studies provide visual objective proof of injury that cannot be dismissed, showing that the injury causes functional limitations that require ongoing symptoms and treatment. DMX highlights ligament damage and spinal instability.
DynaROM adds another crucial dimension by measuring the ongoing muscle guarding and motion restrictions caused by the injury, reinforcing the need for palliative care even after other treatments have ended. This data clearly shows that the injury is not “resolved” but remains an ongoing issue that requires long-term management.
A common defense argument is that the plaintiff’s injuries are temporary and will heal over time, meaning there is no long-term damage. DMX can provide definitive evidence of permanent injury by identifying ligamentous damage, instability, and joint dysfunction. DynaROM complements the DMX by quantifying muscle guarding and measuring the range of motion, providing incontrovertible evidence that the injury is real, permanent, and requires long-term management and treatment in accordance with AMA guidelines for permanent impairment.
In some cases, opposing parties may argue that the plaintiff’s treatment was excessive or unnecessary, especially in soft tissue injury cases. A DMX study provides attorneys with the proof they need to demonstrate the therapy was appropriate based on clear evidence of ligamentous damage and spinal instability.
DynaROM’s role in this is critical, as it provides measurable data on how the injury has affected the patient’s ability to move or perform daily activities without pain. Combined with DMX, these tools offer irrefutable proof that the plaintiff was seriously injured and their treatment was necessary and justified, even in cases where traditional imaging often shows no significant findings. This objective data strengthens the argument that ongoing treatment is required to address the functional impact of the injury, even if the injury appears “minor” on surface-level assessments.
One of the common challenges in personal injury cases is the defense’s argument that the plaintiff exaggerated their symptoms. Without objective evidence, it becomes a battle of the experts, and the one with the most credentials often decides who will win. DMX and DynaROM provide clear, irrefutable evidence to counter exaggeration claims. Thisis especially prevalent in soft tissue injuries, where the injury is often invisible on traditional imaging, and the extent of the damage can be challenging to prove. DMX captures real-time motion of the spine, revealing ligament tears and spinal instability.
At the same time, DynaROM measures the. Together, these technologies provide quantifiable data that eliminates subjective interpretation and strengthens the plaintiff’s case.
DynaROM plays a crucial role by quantifying the loss of motion, muscle guarding, and functional limitations, providing additional proof that the injury is genuine and not exaggerated. This objective evidence can help convince the defense, insurers, and even juries that the pain and disability reported by the plaintiff are real.
Defense lawyers often minimize soft tissue injuries, such as the sprains and strains caused by whiplash, and many plaintiff attorneys struggle to prove the seriousness of these injuries.
DMX is particularly valuable because it objectively identifies soft tissue damage, ligamentous laxity, and spinal joint instability that traditional X-rays and MRIs cannot.
DynaROM adds significant value by providing quantifiable evidence of muscle guarding and loss of motion, a typical protective response to ligament damage.
The combination of DMX and DynaROM technologies allows you to demonstrate that a “soft tissue injury” is much more serious than what is often assumed. DMX shows the underlying structural damage to ligaments and joints. At the same time, DynaROM provides precise, measurable data on muscle guarding and loss of motion that result from the injury.
This combination can help reinforce the argument that the injury is not merely a temporary discomfort but a serious, ongoing issue that impacts the patient’s daily activities.
One of the most common defenses in personal injury cases is the claim that no objective findings support the plaintiff’s condition. Often, X-rays or MRIs come back negative or fail to prove the damage they visualize well was caused by the accident.
DMX eliminates this issue by providing real-time, objective imaging that highlights the functional impairments caused by the injury, including ligament tears and joint instability.
DynaROM’s role in this is crucial, as it captures objective proof of the protective muscle response to injury and measures the loss of range of motion. This additional data reinforces the findings from DMX and provides a more complete picture of the injury, further solidifying the claim that the injury is real and measurable.
In some personal injury cases, the defense may argue that the patient is fabricating or exaggerating ongoing complaints to extend treatment or maximize compensation. DMX helps to combat this by providing clear, objective evidence of actual injury, including ligament tears, spinal instability, and joint dysfunction.
DynaROM’s data is especially valuable as it quantifies the degree of muscle guarding and range of motion limitations, further strengthening the case that the injury is causing lasting, functional impairments that are visible and measurable. The combination of DMX and DynaROM helps dispel any arguments that the patient is exaggerating their symptoms or extending treatment unnecessarily.
DMX provides the missing link by showing the dynamic motion of the spine, revealing injuries such as ligament tears and spinal instability that static imaging cannot capture.
DynaROM is especially valuable because it measures the range of motion, functional limitations, and muscle guarding that persist long after most treatment programs have ended, highlighting the ongoing effects of the injury and demonstrating the long-term impact on the patient’s ability to move and perform daily activities. The objective proof of injury is an added data layer that strengthens the case, making it harder for the defense to diminish.
One advantage of presenting definitive evidence of ligament tears, instability, and muscle guarding is the ability to increase the insurance company’s reserve amount for a claim. Doctors who use DMX and DynaROM can add ligament damage, spinal instability, and muscle guarding to their diagnosis at the onset of care. As these injuries are proven to persist when the patient reaches maximum medical improvement (MMI), insurance carriers typically allocate a higher reserve. A higher reserve allows for a higher settlement offer. It significantly increases the likelihood of securing a maximum injury award for your client.
DynaROM complements DMX by providing quantifiable objective data on the range of motion and functional muscle limitations caused by the injury. This data helps to substantiate the claim further, showing the ongoing impact of the injury, even as the patient reaches MMI. DynaROM provides another layer of evidence that strengthens the case for a higher reserve allocation by capturing the loss of function, muscle guarding, and lost motion.
Whiplash produces pain because spinal ligaments tear when the head whips back and forth. Unfortunately, ligaments heal with scar tissue and never function as before the injury. DMX provides clear, objective evidence of permanent ligament damage and instability, which is often severe enough to be rated as a Whole Body Permanent Impairment (WBI) according to AMA guidelines. Even in cases where the injury doesn’t meet the 3.5mm translation threshold for the highest impairment rating, DMX offers irrefutable proof that supports the claim for ligament damage, instability, and WBI. Objective proof eliminates ambiguity and strengthens your client’s case by showing the physical impact that traditional imaging methods may miss.
DynaROM complements the DMX by providing quantifiable data on the range of motion and muscle guarding caused by the injury. By measuring the loss of motion and degree of guarding, DynaROM adds a layer of clarity to the impairment. It confirms the permanent nature of the injury and helps solidify the claim. This objective data strengthens the argument that the injury is not temporary and will require ongoing management and treatment.