DynaROM is a state-of-the-art diagnostic tool that measures range of motion (ROM) to evaluate soft tissue injuries, particularly those that are difficult to detect using traditional methods. Unlike basic ROM testing, DynaROM provides objective, quantifiable data that can support or refute opinions regarding the extent of injury. This technology helps practitioners, personal injury attorneys, and insurers focus on the quality of data rather than the credibility of the expert, making it an invaluable tool in soft tissue injury cases.
Traditional Range of Motion (ROM) Testing:
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging):
CT (Computed Tomography):
DynaROM is increasingly recognized for its ability to provide objective data in soft tissue injury cases. Peer-reviewed studies, legal cases, and endorsements from medical professionals and attorneys highlight its effectiveness:
Yes, DynaROM is completely safe. The test involves non-invasive measurements and does not require any radiation or injections. It provides accurate data while ensuring the comfort and safety of patients. Unlike MRI or CT scans, DynaROM’s technology is easy to use and allows for real-time motion evaluation without the risks associated with more invasive procedures.
DynaROM is highly accurate in measuring range of motion and identifying soft tissue injuries that are often missed with other diagnostic tools. The technology provides real-time, quantifiable data that is objective and consistent. DynaROM is particularly effective at detecting injuries related to soft tissues, such as ligaments and tendons, where traditional imaging falls short.
DynaROM offers patients a clear, objective understanding of their injuries. It documents the range of motion and functional limitations caused by soft tissue damage, ensuring that their condition is accurately portrayed in both medical and legal contexts. This helps patients receive the best treatment possible while ensuring their injuries are properly recognized.
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